2024 Schedule

All times are in Pacific Daylight Time (PTD) zone.

Tuesday | May 7, 2024
Time Session Speaker Location
9AM – 5PM
USA Board Meeting Skyview
10:00 AM
Registration Lobby Foyer
12:00 PM Prayer Room Ron Short Concord
12:00 PM
Exhibit Table Setup Begins Ballroom C
2PM – 4PM
The Bible, Sex, and a Changing World David Wood & Mardi Dolfo-Smith Ballroom A & B
4:10 PM – 5:10 PM
Affinity Gathering
Senior/Lead Pastor Ballroom B
Missionary Ballroom C
Prophetic, Healing & Prayer Ministries Westminster South
Music, Worship & Arts Ministry Westminster South
Children Ministry / Youth Ministry Westminster North
Retired from Ministry / Seniors Ministry Skyview
Support Ministry Ballroom A
6:15 PM

Session 1 FCA Leaders
John Hammer
Chad Trivett
Grand Ballroom
8:30 PM
Meet & Greet
(Adult Only)
Stand Up Reception Westminster/Tivoli’s
Wednesday | May 8, 2024
Time Session Speaker Location
All Day Prayer Room Ron Short Concord
8:30 AM
Opening Worship Grand Ballroom
8:50 AM
Vision Pillars

FCA USA – Dan Hammer Ballroom A
FCA Canada – Glenn Breitkreuz Westminster
9:45 AM

Session 2 Joseph Mattera Grand Ballroom
10:40 AM Coffee Break
11:10 AM


Managing Your Ministry by Gene Enns Westminster South

Bible, Sex and a Changing Worlds by David Wood & Mardi Dolfo-Smith Ballroom A

Kingdom Synergy with Staff and Volunteers by Paul Vallee Westminster North

Kingdom Impact in Your Community by Dave Bechtold Ballroom C

Kingdom Connections with the immigrant community by Sam Snyder Skyview
12:10 PM
FCA Lunch Grand Ballroom
1:30PM – 2:30PM


Managing Your Ministry by Gene Enns Westminster South

Kingdom Synergy with Staff and Volunteers by Paul Vallee Westminster North

Kingdom Impact in Your Community by Dave Bechtold Ballroom C

Kingdom Connections with the immigrant community by Sam Snyder Skyview
Annual Business Meetings
FCA USA Annual Business Meeting Westminster
FCA Canada Annual Business Meeting Ballroom A
7:00 PM

Session 3 Joseph Mattera Grand Ballroom
Thursday | May 9, 2024
Time Session Speaker Location
All Day Prayer Room Ron Short Concord
8:30 AM
Opening Worship Grand Ballroom
8:45 AM

FCA Missions Grand Ballroom
9:00 AM
Session 4 Joseph Mattera Grand Ballroom
10:00 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM

FCA Missions Grand Ballroom
FCA Lunch (Grab and Go Box)
11:40AM – 6:00PM
Lunch, Tours, Free Time Tour Package #2 – Vancouver City + Lookout + Capilano Suspension Bridge Tour
7:00 PM

Session 5 Joseph Mattera Grand Ballroom

Indicates Kids Program available for children 2 years old through Grade 6.